Our next virtual Open Evening - 12 November 2024, 5:30pm
Current opportunities in West Yorkshire
1 x Non-executive Director and 2 x Associate Non-executive Directors, Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust - Closing date for receipt of applications: Wednesday 20 November 2024 at 11am
Non executive roles in the NHS
NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and our acute, mental health and community trust partners are multi-million pound organisations with boards of executives and non-executives delivering and commissioning healthcare for more than 2.4 million people in West Yorkshire.
We are always looking for talented people with the senior skills and experience necessary to be effective in chair and non-executive director roles in the NHS. We believe that to make the best possible decisions, NHS boards need diverse, inclusive and compassionate leadership. Boards made up of people with a mix of experience and skills gained from a range of backgrounds and lived experience bring fresh ideas, greater challenge and more robust decision making.
We are interested in hearing from people from a range of backgrounds who understand the needs and priorities of their local communities and can hold the confidence of patients and the public. We particularly encourage interest from women, people from our diverse communities, LGBTQ+ people, younger people and those with lived experience of disability, who we know are all under-represented in non-executive director and chair roles.
If you have experience of working on or with boards, and have a skill or lived experience to bring to help NHS boards operate effectively on behalf of the people of West Yorkshire, please get involved.
What skills or experience do you need?
There are a huge range of non-executive skills and backgrounds which are tremendously helpful to NHS boards, such as finance, legal, corporate governance, HR and OD, clinical and regulatory.
However, many other skills and experience are equally valuable, including IT and digital, housing, property and estate management, strategy and innovation, marketing and customer experience, communications and PR, local government, lived experience as a patient, carer or service user or a background in representing local communities.
Find out more about non executive roles in the NHS
In a feature length episode of the Can You See Me? podcast, host and West Yorkshire Inclusivity Champion Fatima Khan-Shah and guests discuss everything you might want to know about the non-executive director appointments process. If you have ever wondered if you could be a non-executive director (NED) in the public sector, this episode is for you. Joining Fatima are Dr Farah Jameel - Non-Executive Director at Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust, Robin Stavely - Partner at GatenbySanderson, Peter Reading - Chief Executive at Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust, Marie Burnham - Chair of South West Yorkshire NHS Partnership Foundation Trust and Cathy Elliott - Chair of NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board.