Please speak up

On Friday 18 August, neonatal nurse Lucy Letby was found guilty of seven counts of murder and six counts of attempted murder for her actions at the Countess of Chester Hospital. Like us, you will have been affected by the guilty verdict on many levels. Rob Webster CEO for NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board wrote to all staff. You can read the letter on our website.

As an Integrated Care Board, we have a role in setting the culture within West Yorkshire.

This requires the right culture and the right infrastructure for us to succeed. In this case, we also have a clear role through our Local Maternity Neonatal System in ensuring safe and effective maternity services.  As we adopt the actions that are required to address failings in this case, we will continue to support you, be professionally curious, keep the person at the centre of all we do and never forget our duty to safeguard patients and the public.

We have arrangements in place to support you and we will thank you for speaking up. Please speak about this verdict and its impact in your teams and with your line manager or professional leads. There is a range of support available via our wellbeing hub, as well as local health and care organisations.