Posted on: 13 June 2023
West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WY HCP) has published the Annual Report from its Improving Population Health Programme for 2022/23.
This year has been another extraordinary year bringing significant and unpredictable challenges for people’s health and wellbeing. COVID and its legacy, the cost-of-living crisis, unprecedented demands on healthcare services and the climate emergency have brought a sharper focus on addressing inequalities, supporting system recovery and improving health at scale.
The Annual Report provides a review of the year including case studies and takes a look ahead to what’s planned for the next 12 months.
Dr James Thomas, Medical Director for NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and Joint Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) of the Improving Population Health Programme alongside Robin Tuddenham, said:
“While the scale and range of challenges can feel overwhelming, we feel a strong sense of hope. By remaining true to the founding principles of embedding early help, and addressing inequalities we continue to adapt and respond to changes across our healthcare system for the benefit of 2.4million people living across West Yorkshire to ensure no one is forgotten.
“The projects highlighted in this report are underpinned by our values of inclusivity and respect which have allowed us to develop a strong sense of unity and shared vision as a Partnership to face collective challenges together.
“Our greatest asset is our people - the staff that we work with in statutory organisations as well as in our vibrant voluntary, community and social enterprise sector that are driven by a passion and desire to make a difference. We take inspiration from them every single day, as well as our communities that have shown unbelievable strength and resilience in the face of adversity over the last year.
“Together we can create a future that allows everyone to thrive and that focuses on creating the environments for healthier lives and improved wellbeing.”
The Improving Population Health Programme forms part of the wider public health and population health offer across West Yorkshire and has six delivery teams. These are: adversity trauma and resilience; climate change; core determinants of health (including housing); health inequalities; targeted prevention; suicide prevention.
Highlights included in the report include:
New adversity, trauma and resilience digital hub developed
- All Hands In for a better and more sustainable future campaign
- Being awarded the first Partnership of Sanctuary
- Investing £1millon funding across each of our five places to help keep people warm in winter
- Mums Can quit smoking campaign launch
- Check in with your mate suicide prevention campaign launch
Have a look at the full Annual Report for more information. We have also published text only and summary versions.