In West Yorkshire we have higher numbers of adults with a learning disability receiving long-term support from Local Authorities compared to the rest of England. Recognising this inequality, our ambition is that people with learning disabilities will experience the best possible health care and have improved outcomes from their local health services.

Our Learning Disabilities Challenge is the programme that is driving this aim.

We launched our Learning Disability Challenge last year, sharing our work in transforming care for people under the themes of Start WellLive Well Age Well  and Working with People with Learning Disabilities.

We worked with our Learning Disabilities Champions to produce this animation that describes the work of the Challenge.  This volunteer Champions group brings us their ideas and aspirations for how we can help them to live well with a learning disability. They do practical, valuable work on our behalf that benefits everybody. The group meets twice weekly to work on a variety of projects for the Partnership – some of their work is for our programmes, and some is initiated by the Champions themselves.